Informational materials titled Individual (Subtype) Human Program, Suppressing Manipulation Mode, Balancing Manipulation Mode and Stimulating Manipulation Mode have the same format. Example:

Individual (Subtype) Program of People Born on <Month and day> of <Common/Leap> Years from the Catalog of Human Population (Description of a Woman)

“Considered individual does not belong to the category of people referred to as “lone wolves” and those, who drift, so to speak, on the waves of life in a single copy (alone), feeling quite comfortable. A metaphorical definition of the state “alone on an ice floe” is not about her and not for her since this woman was created by nature as part of a tandem, a link in some social mechanism. She cannot go through life and act successfully without having a connection with someone or something, either a person or an affair—she absolutely requires a partner or partners in affairs and in private life. That is why, if she devotes herself, for example, to musical creativity, she will definitely seek to sing or play in a duet with someone. With the same determination, she also cannot live without some affair; in her case, it might be some joint project, in which she will be able to realize herself in a pair with someone. Naturally, this will be on equal and mutually beneficial terms; she is not only for partnership type of relationships in the best sense of the word, but she herself is a good ally as well. In collaboration with someone this woman will not only function properly, precisely and cohesively, but also will manifest herself as extremely fruitful, making one magnificent creative product after another. For example, being engaging in a literary activity together with someone, she will produce a series of wonderful works; for example, romance novels or scripts for television series. Moreover, all of her creative products will be very high quality because this person does not belong to the category of people, who prefer quantity over quality; on the contrary, she is a supporter of a job well done and certainly fully completed. The fact is that this woman has a valuable quality: when she begins her work on a certain product—she struggles to finish it, does not leave it halfway done. For example, being a musician or a composer, if she writes a song, and not one, but several, then she considers it necessary to finish all of them, unlike it often happens with creative people, who leave their works in the hopes of returning to them, so to speak, “when the inspiration returns.” In her case, things are different: if she began something, then she must finish it and output a quality product. It does not matter whether it is a song, a musical composition, a literary work, or something else. Her works might have varying degrees of success, they might resemble one another or be different, but it is a fact that they are fully completed, finished products. Another characteristic particularity of this woman in regard to partnerships is that once, so to speak, she clings onto someone, she remains in contact with that person only until she learns and knows how to do everything that he or she knows. Once she gains experience and knowledge of her partner, she quickly loses interest in him and at that point works in the direction of surpassing the level, knowledge and skills that he has. And, the groundwork that she obtained in the process of communication and independent work often gets used to in turn become a teacher, a mentor for someone herself; plus, to obtain a reputation of a woman, who knows everything and teaches everyone.

By nature this woman is a careerist. Therefore, even if she chooses family as the main field of her activities, anyway she will strive to make a career out of it, which in her understanding means having a significant place among couples by becoming an exemplary, model wife, who knows it all, and on this basis gives wise advices, counsel, and recommendations left and right. However, even though family is very important in this woman’s life, it is not the only field of possible applications of her strength, especially considering her desire and ability to achieve mastership in quite a wide range of fields of professional activity. Some of the tools used for success are strictness and high demands in regard to her own self, as well as others, be it partners or pupils, whom she fosters with all of her might. In this process, she is not only strict, but also fair. She is direct when expressing her demands, opinions, “pro” and “contra.” Very often this woman openly scolds not only children, but also adults and her work partners. As it seems to her, she does this to stimulate them to take actions, to produce and cultivate something, whether it concerns pulling out weeds, making a creative product or doing business. And, she does not save time and energy on this since it is extremely important for her to create a microclimate for a team in which her partners do not mope around, loose spirit, and stop working. Therefore, she is very persistent in her actions in regard to raising, so to speak, the fighting spirit of her associates and accomplices. In the process of such stimulation she might overdo it at some points and get in trouble or conflict, but this will not stop her; at least because her intent is not just to have a collaborative process, but to get certain positive results for each of the participants. After all, she thinks that all this gets done not for nothing, but in the name of polishing, cultivation of her own business skills, as well as professionalism of others. She believes that work in a pair with a good professional is always much more effective! Therefore, by forcing partners not to sit idly, but to do something, to move with the help of quite harsh stimulation at times, she might, of course, periodically blame herself for it, worry that she was not very delicate, offended someone, and so on. However, she will continue doing it this way because she thinks that professionalism requires precise and qualitative performance of duties, and that it is necessary to do everything to maintain it at a high level, as this is the main factor on the way to success. (By the way, this quality of hers might manifest most brightly in case of musical activities.)

This woman differs in that she strives for success with all her might, unlike many people, of whom it is not characteristic. As it is known, some people are satisfied by that in their dreams they have already achieved everything, while others, despite their declarations, deep down are quite satisfied with their position from the category of “neither good, nor bad,” and some people simply enjoy endless and desperate failures and misfortunes. No, this is not about her, as this woman aims at achievement of exclusively positive outcomes of all of her affairs and undertakings. For her, striving for success every time, among other things, is proof of that she chose the right path in life. It is necessary to recognize that this woman is not simply one of many dreamers. By nature she really does have a good toolkit in the form of personal qualities for achievement of success. For example, one of them is her ability to sensate conjuncture. Also, it is characteristic of her to be able to subdue many of her factors (whether it is her appearance, clothing or behavior) to achievement of a set goal, to getting required results, and this is not something that every person is able to do. What is success for her? In her personal understanding success, firstly, is achievement of financial success, secondly—getting a top position, and thirdly—recognition of her, as an outstanding personality. In principle, by nature this woman has quite a high self-rating, perceives herself as almost a flawless person, but she does not shun from proving to others again and again that this is really so! And, she desires to receive a confirmation of this in the form of evidence of her uniqueness, value for society. After all, she is convinced that her joint work with someone must necessarily please as many people as possible. One of the stimuli that makes her work qualitatively is a variety of distinguishing marks (such as credentials, medals, awards, and so on), which indicate not only her indubitable merits, but also that they are highly valued in society. And, she thinks that the higher the assessment—the higher level of financial well-being she will be able to achieve.

As already mentioned, attainment of material well-being is an important goal for this woman, and this is no coincidence since she loves money, loves gold, luxury, and wants to have plenty of all of this in her life. Goal-oriented movement of this person towards success, coupled with pursuit of financial soundness, can lead to that this woman will choose a career of a financier, as this professional field attracts her. However, in any case, when it comes to choosing a career, she will try to choose one that would bring her good income. For clarification of what level of income this person defines as “good,” it is necessary to inquire about the environment, from which this woman comes. It is quite clear that a person, who was brought up in the USA in the late XX century by parents with a combined annual income of 45,000 USD or by villagers, who lived on food from their garden, will form a different conception of money and a sufficient amount of money than someone, who grew up in an environment of wealthy people. For one person three hundred dollars in their pocket is already a fortune, while another person feels poor with three hundred million. It should also be noted that she will be very persistent in her pursuit of what is called “filthy lucre,” and it is better not to get in her way, as she will try to get rid of the interfering subject one way or another. However, her business partners must also remember that this person considers it wrong to assign primary importance to money and relegate fame and glory to the background. Money is necessary for her together with public recognition, plus money provides her with an opportunity to achieve yet another goal, which she seeks to attain. The matter is that the considered individual loves solidity in everything, and her burning desire to possess as many financial assets as possible is also connected with the desire to achieve maximum steadiness by any means. She seeks to obtain stability in all factors: that is—she wishes to have a stable understanding of the world, sound health, psychological stability, clothing that is not just stylish and expensive, but also functional, to necessarily have steady sexual relationships, to have strong family ties, lasting friendships, a stable job and income.

When considering particularities that are characteristic of this individual, it is also necessary to take into account that in this case there is one more important factor—upbringing. Although children are not antenna-like continuations of their parents, do not inherit particularities of their personalities and algorithms of their life activities, some subtypes have the mechanism of copying of parental attitudes. And, this is so in this particular case. Therefore, in order to understand the considered individual, it is necessary to pay attention to the environment, in which she was raised and brought up (not necessarily parental, but first of all parental), as this woman will certainly bear the impress. In this case, upbringing, primary education (during teenage years as well) lay the foundation for world outlook, philosophical basis, views, recipes of life, which work, regardless of her subsequent fate. Anyway, this woman will use them. And, it is practically impossible to correct them, and even more so to change cardinally. Although in spite of attitudes that she got, it is possible to safely suppose that this woman will actively declare principles of mutual understanding, talk about the importance of people trusting each other, the importance of personal dignity and morality. Another factor that influences her life significantly is subject or subjects, with whom this woman cooperates, according to a proverb: “who keeps company with the wolf, will learn to howl.” Of course, the influence of her stable partner or partners, just like education, will not cardinally change her character and will not introduce major correctives to algorithms of her life activities, but it should not be discounted. Besides, this woman has the following property: anything that comes in from outside, on all factors, she considers as food. And, it should be noted that the process of absorption does not at all occur indiscriminately. That is—incoming intellectual information, emotions, or food itself get filtered quite seriously. She seriously considers all “products” that enter her psychophysiology and will not, so to speak, swallow some filth.

Another characteristic quality of this woman is that at any age, until her death she remains a child: flighty, stubborn, disobedient. One of the manifestations of her childishness is ever living interest on the inside: “What will happen if I do it like this?” She is endlessly tormented by questions like: “What will happen if I go beyond the limits?” “And what if I drop everything and go there?” “What if I do something extraordinary?” And so on. Hence, of course, the never-stopping experiments, in which this woman acts like the famous character Buratino from the Golden Key fairy-tale (by A. N. Tolstoy), who stuck his long wooden nose everywhere. That is, this woman is endlessly curious, and, as a result, periodically pokes holes, to continue the metaphor of the wooden puppet, in canvases with a painted fireplace! And, on this basis, she gets into the most incredible adventures! On the other hand, the presence of this childish immediacy allows this woman to never stop at what she already achieved, and with the question “I wonder what is next?”—keep moving forward. Also, considered individual, like a small child, who can spend hours looking at and laying out wrappers from candies, is able to self-forgetfully arrange some people in order. Just like a girl playing with dolls: “This doll is the largest”, “This one is the most beautiful”, “And, this one is the most expensive,” and so on. The only difference is that this grown-up girlie uses real people instead of dolls. For her, specifically people are those amusing characters that can be sorted by ranks, levels, merits. Also, like a child, she forms attachments, is naïve and quite often thinks up of something that is considered by her circle as something unexpected, as an incomprehensible novation. Although if one looks closely, it will become clear that this also is directed at a goal, at the resolution of those tasks, which she set for herself. This person is quite lively in communication: she understands jokes and can laugh, have fun together with everyone. She considers communication itself as an excellent ground to manifest all of her qualities: strictness and childishness, slyness and naivety. To her, communication is comparable to communication between children, where it is possible to sulk, get angry, be cunning, laugh, fight as much as necessary. Only this form of communication—childish—causes this woman’s true inspiration, enthusiasm, as in it she realizes her nature, her destiny. In short, she is always ready to be a big adult child around children or even people of her own age. Probably the only situation, in which her childishness might not manifest, is when it comes to her work or business. It is also possible that, as a result of her childish behavior, it might seem to surrounding people that she achieves all of her successes easily, playfully, even though it is not so.

However, no matter how talented, charming and wonderful this woman is, unfortunately, she is not insured from situations when, for example, her own children grow up and leave, forgetting about their mother. Or if things do not work out with education, career or with family. Or if she gets so absorbed by some undertaking, forgets about everyone and everything, and then suddenly wakes up in a state of complete perplexity, tormented by questions: “What was all this for?” “Who needed all this?” As a consequence of this, serious derangements of this individual’s psychophysiology can be expected.

Intellectual Factor

Considered individual loves and knows how to study, and she does it diligently. She considers studying as one more proof of that she is capable of something in this life, and uses it as a field, where it is possible to realize and demonstrate her hidden talents and abilities to everyone. She is very sedulous. Once she undertakes getting an education or some skills, this woman is capable of absorbing information from any sources—whether it is people or books—like a sponge. She takes in information wonderfully in any conditions: it does not matter if she is sitting behind a desk at an educational institution or lying on her own favorite couch surrounded by textbooks. It is worth it to learn from this woman her ability for persistent consumption of information necessary for studying. She differs in that without having an understanding of the subject matter at times, she can accumulate such huge amounts of information that as a result becomes, as the saying goes, a walking encyclopedic reference book.

She is capable of studying at several educational institutions simultaneously; or, upon graduation from one educational institution, enrolling in the next one, which has a completely different specialization, and has nothing to do with her first degree.

She is an excellent tactician, capable of acting creatively in a variety of social fields.

It would be incorrect to call this woman a talker, as with all of her love for chatter, she knows how to speak out at the right time and place, and is capable of giving wise and valuable advices, recommendations.

She is extremely swift in terms of “question-answer,” meaning that she is able to think quickly in the course of a conversation and react accordingly to requests of her opponents.

She is not devoid of the ability to engage with literature. She might take interest in poetry, in writing poetry. (In general, she can have great success in composing, no matter if it is literature or music.) However, she differs in that she does not shy away from plagiarism, and does it so artfully that after giving a certain style to this or that composition, which was borrowed from someone it becomes practically impossible to determine its true author.

She will certainly have a library at home, and, of course, the number and quality of books will depend on her financial abilities and cultural level, but generally they will be carefully selected. She is especially interested in rare books.

She loves computers and everything connected to them: the Internet, electronic correspondence, and so on. Communication with people, what is called surfing the net—she does all this with great pleasure.

This woman might be interested in studying the Middle East (culture, religion, for example, Islam), as well as history as a science, and this will enable her to become quite a good historian. History, historical figures interest this woman because identification with them, virtual living of their lives work very well for creation of an image of a very erudite, knowledgeable woman. She is also interested in psychology, in terms of finding possibilities to transform her own personality; she is interested in problematics of “a self-made person” (literally, “a person who made himself”)—methods, ways to achieve. This woman is from the category of strong-willed people, and tends to rely on her own willpower and cultivate a sense of purposefulness and stability of character in herself, as well as in her children and people under her charge.

The philosophy of this woman is gradual movement towards something, “step-by-step.” For example, this can be used in career: year after year, step-by-step, persistent achievement of higher and higher social status, a higher level of professionalism, movement towards goals, which she set for herself.

She likes to collect autographs of famous people, but, of course, will not lose hope that one day she will be leaving her signature on objects, which admiring fans will give her.

She adheres to the time factor, calendar, and in this process does not do without an organizer. In her youth, of course, she might not be very good at it, but with age she is able to do it better and better.

She never disregards little things; more precisely, little things do not exist for her.

Physical Factor

This woman differs in that she loves sleeping (as well as just lying down on a couch) very much. Even if she is very actively engaged in something, after some time she surely will declare that she is extremely tired and needs to lie down, and once she does—she happily falls asleep. In this sense, she is not from the category of people, who believe that, as the saying goes, “a change of activity is rest”—that is, if they are tired from doing something, they immediately switch to a different activity.

She considers it her duty to always take care of herself. This comes from her internal guideline: one must not be a slob, no matter what happens. She feels psychologically comfortable only when she is in good shape. She pays great attention to her hairdo and face (besides the body). As for her hairstyle, it can be long or short, elegant or somewhat sloppy—any, but it is very probable that she will make a blonde out of herself. In case of long hair, usually she will make something twisted out of it, for example, a braid around her head. Also, special attention is paid to teeth, which, in her opinion, must be kept in ideal condition.

As for clothing, this woman will try to have products made of silk (preferably natural) in her wardrobe. A tendency can be traced in her clothing, style, and behavior: in principle, all of this might be contrary to her wishes. In other words, she wants to put on some other clothes, behave in a different way, and wear clothing of a different style, not the one that she wears. All this gets done because, from her point of view, clothing in combination with other elements of her appearance, behavior is one of the important factors of success (which she so strongly seeks) of her undertakings, and all this has to work together as a single segment towards the goal that she set. However, in principle, she can have a variety of clothes. She is not against leather of most different colors and values. She thinks that an important thing as far as clothes is that everything must be stylish, ironed, and preferably not cheap. It is possible to say that she is from the category of people, who prefer to have functional, but very high-quality and expensive things in their wardrobe. She is not a fan of cheap things from a flea market. Also, she is not against having a good, expensive fur coat in her wardrobe.

She finds it attractive to have golden color in clothes, gold trimmings. She likes pale yellow, pale green, green, grayish, and blue colors.

She is one of those people, who, even in a situation when there is a huge number of electronic devices (for example: mobile phones, computers, and so on), continues to wear a wristwatch.

She is not against a variety of precious stones, but her main and steady passion is diamonds.

Nutritional Factor

Considered woman does not suffer from a lack of appetite. And, on the one hand, she would like to fully satisfy it, while on the other hand she does not want to lose good physical shape, and this might become а kind of a stumbling block. Usually, she widely experiments with diets in order to resolve this situation. And, diets might apply not only to her, but spread to other members of her household as well.

She has abilities to be a pretty good cook. (She might even write cookbooks.) A distinctive peculiarity of food that this woman is inclined to consume is that it must be fresh and of а high quality. Also, this woman’s nutrition must be quite multifarious, varied; it is by no means consumption of food according to the principle “I ate a sandwich and I’m all set!”

Her menu must necessarily include various fish and dishes made of it. She also welcomes salted fish. She likes chips, flatbreads, products made out of corn (canned, salted, boiled corn), and corn flour. From vegetables she consumes potatoes and mushrooms; from fruits—apricots. As far as meat, she pays attention to chicken. She can seriously take a fancy for sauces, for example, of French cuisine.

She likes to indulge in tea-drinking, especially with biscuits, waffles, dry cakes. She enjoys various juices, nectars and all drinks from the category of sweet, which are presented in a great variety in the modern food industry. From alcoholic beverages, in addition to wine, she likes those, to which tonic gets added (for example, gin).

This woman is a big fan of company, especially in her youth. However, when having fun together with others, it is necessary for her to watch herself as far as alcohol consumption; otherwise, in the process of being carried away by communication, she might overestimate her strength and end up, so to speak, falling under the table.

She does not mind visiting some public food service establishments—cafes, restaurants—of course, only if the conditions in them are acceptable: everything is clean, there is quality food and good service. Although she will always grumble that everything is too expensive.

She ensures cleanliness of the kitchen: she thinks that the refrigerator, utensils, dishes should be kept in check, and everything must be cleaned, washed.

Emotional Factor

Considered woman is capable of fighting very loudly and with pleasure.

From time to time, usually in extreme situations, she is capable of demonstrating courage, bravery.

Sexual Factor

Considered woman is not capable of going through life alone, she will certainly look for a partner among people of the opposite sex. A family for her is not just desirable, but rather mandatory. And, it does not matter that before marriage this woman belongs to the category of very loveful people. Тhe level of financial wealth of a suitor will be an important factor: the higher it will be, naturally, the more attractive he will be, as a candidate for the role of a husband.

She seeks to be the mistress of the house, jealously protects her home and family members from possible encroachment from the outside. She is extremely jealous with respect to her spouse. House, family is always the place where she and only she reigns and rules. After getting married, she is capable of completely immersing herself into everyday problems. It might happen that in this situation, for some time, nothing else will interest and worry her. Especially since there are usually enough worries with a family: a house should be built, space in the house should be organized, then she must have children, and then everything that today’s civilization offers—to ensure that they are not in need of anything—must be provided to her children, as well as to her husband and parents. There should be a normal living situation, enough food and normal education for her children. And, it all must be at the highest level! The tool to provide a favorable environment for her family and children, as well as simply entertainment, which she will arrange for herself from time to time, will be periodic attacks on her own husband, when he will be literally provoked to a state of white rage, and then pressed by yet another claim, for example: “I want a car (a country-house, a new set of furniture, grass in the yard, etc.), and you go on, provide!”

If health allows, then she will seek to have quite a large number of children, not just one or even two. Unlike many other mothers, she wants to necessarily breastfeed her children for as long as possible.

She has an extremely caring attitude towards her parents. Even at a mature age this woman will behave with them like a child, will seek their advice, and so on.

Environmental Factor

As far as her other peculiarities, on the one hand, this woman is very lazy, and on the other hand—amazingly active. When summing up these two qualities, which seemingly do not fit together very well, it turns out that this individual is ready to actively do something without running off to somewhere, but rather stays in one place, functions stationarily. For example, it can be writer’s work, writing of articles, reports or work with a computer—that is, an activity that can be done quite actively, while staying behind her desk at home. Or, for example, it can be a fancy for cooking, when she, a mother of a large family, stands by the stove day and night, and at the level of a good, professional cook provides quality food for her family. Her lazy lying around on her side can be followed by a very active way of life (which, by the way, helps maintain good physical form that she aspires to have). When she is lying down, she might resemble an exhausted living corpse, but once she gets enough rest she immediately turns into a lively person.

This woman could engage in politics and succeed in this professional field since she has certain talents that are necessary for political activities. However, in order to engage in this kind of activity, she also needs a team, for example, it can be some political party. Only this party must be quite persistent, ambitious in terms of its aspiration to do something outstanding in the political arena.

Also, she is interested in jurisprudence.

This woman can make a career not only in politics, but also in arts: in writer’s work, music and so on. She has pretty good musical abilities and is capable of manifesting herself (including professionally) in this sphere. If she becomes a vocalist and performs on stage, then she will strive to have her own style in order to be recognizable. In general, a stage, as a place where she can shine, is very attractive to her. A situation, in which she attracts attention of a huge number of people by her performance (act, speech, music, and so on), not only does not embarrass this woman, on the contrary—it is very appealing! By nature this woman has a genius for acting, and so she can become quite a good actress in a variety of genres; it is possible that her activities will be connected with children’s theaters, films for children, children’s roles. She also might do sculpture of small forms, made out of the most varied materials. Or she might engage in painting, textile painting, etc.

Another sphere, in which she can self-realize successfully, is public education. Admissions committees, committees for identifying talents of the younger generation, selection of suitable students for a particular educational establishment—this is the field of activity, in which she can manifest herself very successfully. By nature she is a good teacher, and upbringing, mentoring can enthrall her so much that she will become a mother at a female monastery and devote her life to upbringing of novitiates. However, most likely, she will choose namely children’s institutions, organizations, where she will be able to engage in nurturing: from a nanny at a kindergarten or a school psychologist to an owner of a private school that specializes in history, for example, where young talents are educated and brought up under her guidance. It might also be a sports school. There is a peculiarity: being already a woman of age and engaged with the younger generation, she will consider her engagements as quite a serious capital investment. Since, she thinks it is quite possible that strong professionals, business partners can result in the process of good education. In addition, it is also a certain social circle. That is, this woman considers children, pupils as those, with whom, after they grow up, it will be possible to make a common business, including career and money.

As already mentioned, banking, credit and financial sphere, for example, credit bank, finance department attract her.

Also, she is interested in participation in jewelry or fur business, practically in any capacity: from a simple saleswoman to the owner of large production and commerce enterprises.

She has good abilities to engage in tailoring, as well as design of clothes.

By the will of fate she might get into medicine, and become, for example, a nurse, who gives injections or an operating surgeon. However, most successfully she could specialize in pediatrics.

This woman tries to grow something, no matter what it is (a child, a flower on her window or radishes in her backyard), or bring something back to life, or protect, save from troubles and misfortunes. For example, as a medic, she would strive to restore the health of her patients by all means. With exactly the same success, she can work in the system of psychological rehabilitation. She can work in organizations involved in saving someone or something, for example, undernourished people, orphans, victims from a region of combat operations, animals, birds, children, people from developing countries, and so on.

She can be a wonderful helper, administrative assistant. And, the higher the position and the smarter the person in charge, the better she will work with her boss and her natural talents of an irreplaceable employee will unfold more fully: delicate, polite, festive on appropriate occasions, quick in making decisions and in execution, and she will do everything on time and according to a situation.

She can work in typography.

She can become a good restaurant or cafe manager.

She is able to prove herself as a chess or checkers player.

In the event that she manages to create a good financial condition for herself, she might very well be satisfied by living on percentages from her capitals and lead a life of a rentier.

In the absence of a sufficient level of education or if she was born and lives in some remote province, she might work at some factory: metal rolling, metalwork, metal welding.

As for leisure time of this individual, she is not against going for a walk during the winter, gamboling in the snow—the most important thing is that this happens in a company, together with someone. One of her favorite seasons of the year is the so-called golden autumn, and in connection with this she might choose the “velvet” season to take a vacation (holiday). The above-mentioned love for resting on her favorite couch, napping, etc. can turn her vacation into lazy lounging; on the other hand, she is not against traveling, but it is most important that it will be possible to get in a horizontal position. To take a stroll along the esplanade, to visit the lakes and go for a boat ride (or on other devices, such as a catamaran) or to sit in a cafe by the lake—these are also good resting options for this woman.

Switzerland, as a country of lakes, would suit her quite well as far as vacationing, as well as living; any geographical zone of similar kind (for example, Germany, Republic of Karelia, Baltic states and so on) are suitable for her. It would be desirable to have a house by the lake, but if fate decreed otherwise, then it is possible to compensate, make up for the absence of natural lakes on the territory of residence by organizing artificial reservoirs, for example, a pond on her property or a pool in the backyard. She thinks that it is desirable to live in the countryside, surrounded by nature.

As far as this woman’s home, to the extent of financial abilities, it must have a stylish interior. The decor of her house must be exquisite, luxurious, so that prosperity would be felt at first glance. She strives for her house to be a full cup, so that it would never be a shame to invite guests over, to accommodate, feed, and provide drinks to them at the highest level. She wants to have not just a rich, but a very rich house, and the higher the level of her wealth, the richer her place of residence will be. If she has money, then she will not save on this. For example, she is not against presence of gold or gold-plated things in her home. She likes gilded frames on mirrors or, if style allows, she might add a gold trimming wherever possible. She likes bronze. At home, she might keep the cage with a bird and/or have an aquarium with fish. In addition to a large number of clocks of different shapes, this woman has a huge number of mirrors and photographs, as well as other imprints of her personality, for example, videos, in which not only she herself, but her acquaintances, friends, family are present. (In general, if her image will be shown off wherever possible, for example, on billboards, in magazines, on books, her music CDs—this will be very appealing to her.) It should also be noted that the expression “my home is my castle” are not just words for this woman. Rather, it is a guide for realization, a call to actions, directed at making her home a natural outpost, inaccessible for any encroachment from the outside. This refers to protection of the house and the property, which will be done by the use of all available technical means. Her house has another peculiarity: being a big fan of any kind of electrical appliances, fixtures, from an electric knife to electric piano, she will electrify her entire house.

She thinks that her own car is a required element of the household. And, it is desirable that her car would not only serve as a means of transportation, but also would be a confirmation of her high social status; therefore, it must be maximally luxurious, expensive and, among other things, serve as a business card of its owner and present her as a wealthy woman. (In general, this woman loves to, as the saying goes, throw dust in eyes.)

This individual is amazingly flexible in her actions, capable of adapting to other people, as well as fitting into a situation. Usually, she does this according to some specific scenario, plan.

This woman is a fan of collectives, but those that are somewhat isolated. This is not seclusion, but rather similar to a school class, a course at a university or a law firm, as a social space formed by a group of people based on common undertakings, interests. It could also be a certain circle of acquaintances. And, this woman tries not to go outside this circle; rather she can participate in various “circles” of different social strata.

Nothing royal is alien to this woman: she carries herself, communicates very aristocratically, as if she really is a blue-blooded individual regardless of her origin. As a matter of course, she demonstrates herself as a woman of style, carries herself with dignity, despite her childishness. More precisely, she behaves like a little princess—a girl, but with a crown on her head.

She loves friendships and knows how to be friends, but she is quite demanding towards her friends: she expects them to have those views, and that level of culture and professionalism, which she has herself. She thinks that it is even better if there would be something to learn from her friends. In case of absence of all this, any friendship will come to an end very soon.

This woman has a habit (although she does it infrequently) to return to the past, her own or someone else’s, to history; at least in order to see how the thread from the current time can be stretched into the past. Sometimes such excursus allow her to find in long gone days, events, something interesting that can be used at the present moment, as well as in the future.

It is better not to become this woman’s sworn enemy because she remembers offences for a long time and always dreams of revenge.

She likes to give gifts to other people, but also she is not against receiving them. Out of all holidays she especially loves the New Year, when there is a carnival, and everything and everyone around are covered with starlets, glitter, tinsel.

She can be extremely flattering.

She has a habit of making promises, swearing, but then she breaks her promises quite calmly.”