In the Catalog of human population, which is compiled on the basis of decryption of the ancient manuscript Shan Hai Jing, all information about a person consists of a general description of an individual and a description of his qualities and functioning on six factors.

Classification by six factors, which are fundamentally different from each other, is a system created by researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov to describe functioning of human subtypes during compilation of the Catalog of human population. Since at a certain point he was faced with a problem: how to structure information obtained from the ancient source about a particular subtype in descriptions of psychophysiological diapason of a subtype? Data obtained from the ancient text contained very diverse information about a human: how representatives of a particular human subtype think, data about their nutritional or environmental diapason, sexual peculiarities, and so on.

In fields that are traditionally related to a human (for example, in medicine) no systems were found, according to which to would be possible to distribute information obtained from Shan Hai Jing. It was necessary to create a classification, which would encompass human life activity in general. To solve this problem, Andrey Davydov identified six factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual, and environmental.

And, as it is easy to notice, intellectual factor is only a part of human psyche, and not the most important one. Not to appear unfounded, we will provide an example. If there is certain influence on the physical factor of a human (for example, induction of a painful shock), or influence on the nutritional factor (for example, leaving a person without food or drink for a long time), or influence in a way that a person begins to experience a strong sexual arousal or a strong emotional stress—then, his intellectual factor will turn off, and he will function on the basis of instincts, reflexes, automated processes in his organism. Even a severe headache, as one of the states of the human physical factor, can partially disable the intellect, meaning that a person’s thought process will be quite unproductive. Therefore, it was concluded that the intellectual factor is only one of six factors of human psychophysiology.