-It is believed that a SoulMate and a Second Half are the same thing. Why do you assign them to different categories of partnerships?
Yes, we really do assign partners from categories SoulMate and Second Half to different categories of HelpMates by Birthright partnerships. The reason is that despite yet another general misconception, based on how it works in nature SoulMate and Second Half are two types of partnerships that are completely different. Based on nature (and the Catalog of Human Population contains information exclusively about how this is arranged by nature), a SoulMate is a “mirror copy” of an individual, and it is on the basis of similarity of partners that a harmonious union arises. In the case of the Second Half everything is different: there are two different people, but they are created by nature so that they complement each other perfectly and fit together like a key fits its lock. Thus, according to ​​nature, these two expressions - “soulmate” and “second half” - are not synonyms at all.
-Everyone says that there’s only one SoulMate. Why do you state that each person has many SoulMates?
Statements that each person can have only one SoulMate belong to the category of beliefs – that is, statements that are not supported by facts. In other words, they belong to the category of general misconceptions. This is not true because according to the oldest source preserved in this civilization (which describes in detail how psyche of Homo sapiens is arranged and functions) all representatives of the subtype to which a person belongs are his/her SoulMates. A SoulMate is a kind of “a mirror copy” - that is, a person who has exactly the same psychophysiological algorithms, personal qualities (character), lifestyle, thinking patterns, reactions, value system and preferences, etc. Therefore, if in nature there are 293 subtypes of the biological type Homo sapiens, then if we consider the entire human population (data for 2019) - each inhabitant of planet Earth has about 20 million SoulMates (not just one, as some psychologists, religious figures and representatives of esoteric directions state). The same can be stated about other partnership categories given to people by Mother Nature: Second Half, Love Buzz, Worshiper and Motivator. Each person on earth also has about 20 million potential partners from each indicated category.
-Why does the dating service title include “by birthright”? Traditionally this refers to legal concepts…
It is noteworthy that it is sometimes customary to associate the phrase “by birthright” (which is used in legal and political spheres) with very vague philosophical concepts, for ex., such as “freedom,” etc. However, a clear definition of what is included in these “birthrights” cannot be found in dictionaries. This clearly indicates the lack of a clear understanding of what "by birthright" means and who gives these rights to a person: God, society, etc. In reality, Homo sapiens really do have rights given from birth. And, these rights are not given to a person by society or the state with its structures – they are given by Mother Nature, thanks to which he/she was born and lives. Homo sapiens have many such rights, and one of them is the right to have suitable partners and ideal relationships. It is precisely such relationships that communication with partners from categories SoulMate(s), Second Half, Love Buzz, Worshiper and Motivator provides. Mother Nature gives all of these partners to us right from birth, just like a lion is given a lioness, a ram an ewe, a cat a cat, a chicken a rooster. In modern society, without knowledge from the Catalog of Human Population (and, therefore, without knowledge of true, natural human “birthrights”), an absurd practice is observable everywhere: figuratively speaking, a deer liked a rooster or a lion for one night, and then they even started a family. It is not surprising that a huge percentage of relationships from the category of “bulldog-rhino mix” (that is, two genetically unsuitable partners) either are inharmonious, or even fall apart sooner or later. This happens only because the basic natural principle is violated: the principle of compatibility of partners at the genetic level (in other words, by psychogenetic code, by subtype structures – see https://www.humanpopulationacademy.org/faq/matching-based-on-psychogenetic-code/). Modern Homo sapiens have no idea what the phrase “by birthright” actually means and, therefore, they do not use it. Although in ancient times, when important knowledge about people had not yet been lost or destroyed, for ex., a system was practiced when children were taken from their parents after birth, sorted into groups and brought up by specially assigned people. And, with the discovery of the Catalog of Human Population it became quite clear why and what for this was practiced — after all, the psychogenetic code does not get transmitted from parents to children. However, today this problem moved to the category of solved: Helpmates by Birthright dating service returns ancient knowledge to modern society. This means that now anyone who wants to find compatible partners and build truly ideal (and this means happy, harmonious and, if necessary, long-term) relationships with them gets the opportunity to do this. And, to do it quickly and without much effort, especially if, in addition to the dating service on our website, we manage to create and introduce into mass use a mobile dating application under the working title LIF (see https://www.humanpopulationacademy.org/science-business-culture-projects-proposals-by-chs-lab/dating-app/), which will locate compatible partners in real time within seconds.
-What is matching based on psychogenetic code? If this has to do with genetics, then why don’t you ask clients to spit in test tubes?
Matchmaking done through the Helpmates by Birthright personal and business dating service is based on genetic compatibility. Many are interested in the question of why we draw conclusions about compatibility without asking clients to spit in test tubes. The answer is simple. Because, as the latest scientific research in the field of psychophysiology uncovered, information embedded at the genetic level can be of two types. The first type is physiological, and it is studied in science called Genetics*. In this case, samples of tissues/fluids of the human body (hair, saliva, etc.) are taken as genetic samples. The second type of genetic information lies much deeper and is stored in archaic structures of human psyche. This level is being studied in a new direction in psychology called Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. It is at this level that the psychogenetic code is located as a subtype’s totality of the Individual Program of a person given from birth and three Manipulation Modes to this program (see Structure of Human Psyche). Spitting in a test tube is not required in order to uncover the psychogenetic code of a specific individual, the only necessary “spitting” is the full date of birth of the individual. The second most important piece of data is gender, and no other information about the individual is required.** Also, the difference between these two types of genetic information is that information related to physiology is inherited, but the psychogenetic code is not. That is, children are not antenna-like continuations of their parents in terms of their psychical structure. (Exception are situations when both parents and the child belong to one of the 293 subtypes of Homo sapiens, which is hypothetically probable, but on practice is unlikely to be common.)   * A section of biology that studies genes, genetic variations, and heredity in organisms. ** On the basis of research and discoveries in the field of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis the Bird of a Feather technology was created with the algorithm utilizing matching at the second, the psycho-genetic level (which is actually the first, the main one because, as it turned out, psyche completely determines functioning of physiology).
-What is the uniqueness of the Birds of a Feather technology, how does it surpass and differ from other methods of selecting partners used in the matchmaking industry?
Newness, uniqueness, as well as incomparably higher efficiency of matching partners by using Birds of a Feather technology behind the HelpMates by Birthright service is in that it is not based on any of the criteria widely used in the dating/matchmaking industry (for ex., such as similar psychological characteristics of two or more people, their belonging to a certain social layer or social groups, or zodiac signs, or external parameters, or very subjective conclusions and fantasies of psychologists and matchmakers). The Birds of a Feather matching technology selects partners according to a single criterion: client’s belonging to one of the 293 subtypes of the biological type Homo sapiens; that is, compatibility at the genetic level. Besides our Helpmates by Birthright service no one in this industry offers such an approach. And, no one else can offer this because the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls is the only one that carries out research of the ancient Chinese source Shan Hai Jing as the Catalog of Human Population (see F.A.Q.).
-Why is the matching technology called Birds of a Feather and what does this title mean?
The technology behind Helpmates by Birthright personal and business dating service was titled Birds of a Feather because the proverb “Birds of a Feather Flock Together” perfectly reflects the principle, based on which the algorithm works. The principle is purely natural: animals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, etc. create pairs and breed only with representatives of their subspecies. For ex., parrots such as cockatiels and budgies will not reproduce even though they are both parrots. The same goes for eagles and sparrows, or crows and chickadees despite the fact that they are all birds. In the wild they will not breed, and that is normal. An exception to the rule is hybrids, such as hybrids of horses and zebras, zebras and donkeys, jaguars and leopards, lions and tigers, polar and brown bears, etc. However, firstly, hybrids are creations made by human hands* not nature, and essentially they are mutants. Secondly, even hybrids are made only within genetically close animals/plants. An analogous principle is behind the Birds of a Feather technology for selecting partners: matching occurs solely on the basis of deeply implanted genetic structures given from birth by Mother Nature itself. (For the sake of simplicity of perception, these genetic structures were called by the word ‘subtype’.) With the help of this matching technology, we propose to stop creating initially unnatural and doomed to fall apart** unions created based on the principle of “a mix of a bulldog with a rhino,” and switch to creating relationships initially harmonious by nature.   * The possibility of artificially producing hybrids was first suggested by the German scientist Rudolf Jakob Camerarius in 1694. The first artificial hybridization was carried out by the English gardener Thomas Fairchild in 1717 by crossing different types of carnations. ** Official statistics indicate that about 60-70 percent of marriages end in divorces, to which it is also possible to add unaccounted number of breakups in unregistered relationships, as well as the percentage of families and people living in open relationships, who are unhappy in their unions.
-What is HelpMates by Birthright dating algorithm based on?
Personal and business dating service Helpmates by Birthright is based on a unique technology called Birds of a Feather. This algorithm is used for matching partners for any type of relationship: love, sex, friendship, family, business, leisure, hobbies or some specific projects. Matching in our dating algorithm is based on a single criterion – client’s belonging to a particular subtype (one of 293 subtypes of the biological type Homo sapiens). Yes, this matching uses the exact date of birth of a client (see F.A.Q. related to date of birth here), but this has nothing to do with astrology or esoteric knowledge. This technology was created on the basis of scientific research, where a date of birth indicates phenological cycles and is in no way connected with the influence of celestial bodies, planets, numbers, etc. These studies are based on strictly scientific methods and data from many natural sciences (such as biology, zoology, mineralogy, botany, hydrology, soil science, etc.) and humanities (linguistics, psychology, cultural studies, etc.). These studies were carried out for over 40 years and tested for over 25 years (data for 2019). Please refer to the F.A.Q. if you are interested in more detailed information about these studies.
-Why is a dating service offered on scientific lab’s and academy’s website?
Many wonder why HelpMate(s) By Birthright personal and business dating service is offered on such a serious scientific research based website. The answer is quite simple: because the main topic and result of scientific research of the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls is the ancient Chinese literary monument Shan Hai Jing, which turned out to be the Catalog of Human Population that describes deep (psycho-genetic) structures of human psyche of 293 subtypes of the biological type Homo sapiens (meaning, the entire human population) and has a wide range of practical applications. It can be stated that the Catalog of Human Population can be applied in absolutely all areas where a human is present, including technological areas (see a list of specific areas here.) Among all these areas of practical application of the Catalog of Human Population, a huge and very important segment for each person is the sphere of human relations/communications of any kind: business, romantic and family relations, groups by interest, communities, etc. Since relationships are a significant part of any person’s life, one of our goals is to help people be happy in relationships. There is a saying in the scientific community: “Theory without practice is dead,” which means that any scientific research does not makes sense if it has no practical application. HelpMate(s) By Birthright personal and business dating service was created directly on this website in order to give any person an opportunity to test it on practice right after a brief introduction to the theory, and absolutely free of charge. Human Population Academy and Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls serve not only educational purposes through this, but also contribute to the solution of one of the top social problems—the problem of communication between people.