There are many images present around us. Images are on every corner, simply everywhere. However, all images, which in this civilization are created by people—are artificial images, whereas information in human psyche is recorded exclusively by natural images.

Natural and artificial images differ very significantly in terms of their influence on human psyche and physiology. To put it briefly, the main difference between natural and artificial images is in that natural images transmitted to a cell of a human organism give termless health, youth, life, while artificial—slowly kill.

An image, as Andrey Davydov (the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population in the ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing)) found out, really is the basis of all things, as the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu made it clear in his treatise titled Tao Te Ching. And, it is quite likely that instead of “In the beginning was the Word” the early Bible stated: “In the beginning was the Image.” After all, the Bible was translated from the Greek language, and in Greek philosophy ‘eidos’ (an image, a prototype, an archetype) does not occupy the last place.

There are preserved stories about ancient priests, who, using a tool called “an image,” could manage not only any number of people, but nature itself. Modern “puppet masters” struggle to repeat this. However, without knowledge that priests had, “lords of human souls” are unable to go further than creation of most primitive artificial images.

The secret of priests is very simple. Images can be natural and artificially created. And, images, as the basis of all things, refer to natural images and not in any way to ones thought-up by people.

Also, “puppet masters” probably do not know that every single artificial image has a destructive influence on human psychophysiology, slowly kill him from the inside (and, its creators as well). Also, they probably do not know that in this civilization exists a book that is a collection of a huge number of natural images—this book is 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing).

It would seem that this book could save “lords of human souls” from failure since natural images, as opposed to artificial that they invent, give real power over a human. However, it is not so. It is not enough to find out these images from 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing)—it is also necessary to have information to which person (which subtype) certain images relate to in the ancient manuscript, as well as to have information about how to work with these images*. Without having all of this information in a complex, the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) becomes absolutely useless, and unsuccessful experiments lead to enormous damage of psychophysiology of experimenters.

* Tracking of transformation of natural forms into archetypal images and identification of patterns that allow uncovering of archetypal complexes that are implanted directly in the human soul are copyrighted.