These questions were merged into one because, in essence, they contain the same underlying question: “Why should I study something if developers of the Catalog of Human Population are doing it for me?” As with all questions related to independent study of information that is presented in the ancient Chinese manuscript Shan Hai Jing—every person decides for himself/herself what and how much to study. Only one rule works here: if you want to know—study, if you do not want to study—you will not know.

Every person decides for himself/herself what amount of knowledge he/she wants to have. In principle, if you have a description of your Individual Program from the Catalog of Human Population, then you can rightfully state: “I know myself.” If you know someone else’s Individual Program, you can also state with certainty that you know that person. And, if you have someone’s Manipulation Modes in the form of manipulation scenarios—you can do whatever you want with that person. The vast majority of people in this civilization do not possess even this amount of knowledge. And, if you want to expand the amount of knowledge you have about yourself, then study images of your own program, and if you do not want—do not study.

However, in order to make the right decision—to learn more or not to learn—it is necessary to know the following. Despite being detailed, any decryption, as a description of a particular human subtype, is still only a small piece of information about the program of that subtype. Shan Hai Jing contains such a huge amount of information about each subtype structure that by volume a description of just one of them could exceed an encyclopedia of many volumes.

However, at the present moment, creation of a multi-volume description of each Homo sapiens subtype is not possible because it would take a lot of time and effort, while the Catalog of Human Population contains descriptions of not just the first level of programs (with which people are born), but also a lot of other interesting and important information.

For this reason, from the start of development of the Catalog of Human Population, it was decided to decrypt programs of subtypes fully, but at the same time to provide the most important, essential information in a description; information, from which a person could recognize himself/herself in a description (or, if a description applies to another person, it would be possible to recognize him/her) and, of course, information that could be used in practice, in everyday life.

Such descriptions usually contain about 30 pages for each of 4 modes; about 120 pages of text in total. It is enough for a description—a whole book. And, images of individual Human Programs and Manipulation Modes are available to those, who would like to learn more about themselves or another person.

It is very interesting and useful to know images of an Individual Program (or a Manipulation Mode) when one already has the decryption of this Human Subtype Program (or Manipulation Mode); and, especially for those, who want to learn to understand images of human “software” described in Shan Hai Jing. Images will allow you to better understand where certain personality traits that are described in decryptions come from. However, it is especially important to know images in order to act out a role in manipulation.

In short, knowing images, by which a particular Individual Program or Manipulation Mode is recorded, one can get incredibly huge amount of various information (meaning, on all 6 factors) in addition to a received decryption.

Do you personally need this information, meaning—do you want to study yourself in-depth and know yourself in tiniest nuances (and thus, have an opportunity to use all of your natural potential), or are you satisfied with knowledge about yourself that you received from us—this is not for us to decide. Therefore, the formulation “need to know images” is not correct, as no one needs it except you.

As for assistance in independent study of Individual (Suptype) Programs, Manipulation Modes and images from Shan Hai Jing—it is not included in the price of materials. In this case, a client receives a free Instruction document about how to study these images. As for other kinds of help—there are 2 types of help, and they are priced separately:

1. Private Consultations

2. Human Population Academy’s Global Distance Learning Programs