Firstly, probably it makes sense to remind of that Homo sapiens did not invent anything that is not rooted in natural analogues, and it is unlikely that it is even possible to do. Therefore, contrary to that Carl G. Jung considered archetypes of human unconscious to be derivatives of human imagination (fantasy), research in the field of Non-traditional Psychoanalysis showed that at the basis of functioning of Homo sapiens are more ancient archetypes—natural images that are recorded in the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), which later on transformed into archetypes generated by human fantasies. Human fantasies are that what is called “artificial images.”

Prior to the scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population by Andrey Davydov in the XX century, without being aware by which natural images human “software” is recorded, civilization produced an incredibly huge massif of artificial images. Artificial images were created to replace natural programs of Homo sapiens in the absence of the Catalog of human population since, as it was already mentioned, without “software” a human, like the computer, is not able to function.

Every epoch, every culture created and creates its set of images: first there were Apollo or Odin, then Zorro and Batman, and then Shrek, etc. Many modifications of artificial “software” were created without coming close to even approaching the question of that each person has natural “software” given to him by nature at birth.

On the one hand, this is explainable since people had to live on some basis because they differ from animals in that their “software” does not work “automatically” (as it is the case with animals) and must be studied, comprehended, mastered. However, on the other hand, artificial “software” differs from natural just like papier-mâché or plastic apples differ from natural apples.

Civilization involved in creation of artificial images, figuratively speaking, forces people to eat plastic apples instead of real. And, it is not difficult to guess that such “diet” leads each person to imminent death. No one has ever been able to remain alive and well, while drinking gasoline instead of water and replacing all natural foods with synthetic. This “plastic diet” leads to colossally rapid wear of the entire human psychophysiology, premature aging of the organism, and, as a result, death.

However, the result is extended in time, and it is similar to the effect on a person when he takes in daily micro doses of poison. Also, due to these “apples” (artificial images), the potential implanted in a human is realized by about 5% at best.

The essence of the phenomenon called “artificial images” can be expressed differently. For example, using the computer language, it is the worse virus that infects a computer. For some time, this virus simply disrupts normal algorithms of functioning of a system, but as a result, sooner or later these violations make a computer completely unusable. Translated onto human psychophysiology, artificial images as a “virus” cause human organism to work incorrectly, not at full capacity, and make mistakes (fatal ones as well).

Practical results of such failures are a variety of misfortunes that happen to a human: failures, all sorts of problems, illnesses, and old age. Sooner or later, due to these violations, each of which breaks the system called “human psychophysiology” more and more, a human goes out of order, in other words—dies.

When it comes to computers, probably in some cases a good specialist can fix a serious problem or failure. However, in case of a human this occurs without a possibility of recovery. And, in this civilization, it is observable everywhere and can easily be noticed—people rarely live more than 90-100 years. And, this is at best, as human life is usually much shorter. Currently, doctors are not capable of overcoming the problem of death; meanwhile, physiologists state that by nature human body is designed for a youthful and healthy life of a few hundred years.

A human was created as such a powerful being in potential that human psychophysiology can work for some time even when it is infected by a similar “virus.” No animal would survive in living conditions that people make for themselves and remain alive in them for some time since at the basis of functioning of Homo sapiens nature implanted the power of natural images, and by that provided a huge strength margin to a human being as a living system.

However, a human should understand that if he is still alive, it does not at all mean that he lives correctly. Moreover, it does not mean that he or she will live forever.