Ideally (of course, if complete decryptions/descriptions of your structure are ready and available*), it is best to begin studying yourself with decryption of your Suppressing Manipulation Mode and Images of Suppressing Manipulation Mode from Shan Hai Jing. Why not with your Individual natural program? Because people, who do not know about their natural “software” tend to mostly identify themselves with the personality from their suppressing mode.

The personality from personal suppressing mode is so attractive to a person that an individual tries to become that person with all his/her might. After all, it is possible to say that the natural suppression mode is the dream mode, the mode of incredible pleasure, which easily wins over the state of being “high” from any drug. It is not surprising that not knowing that each person has his/her own natural program from birth and that it cardinally differs from the program of his/her suppressing mode, people try to conform to a man/woman of their dreams: to look like he/she, to behave, eat, walk, talk, have sex like he/she does—meaning, to live. However, they try to live completely not their own life, and conform to that what is impossible to conform to in principle.

Hence, people experience a huge number of disappointments, “broken dreams,” and, in the end, “broken fates” since a person tries to live not his/her own life, but someone else’s. Someone else’s because any of human manipulation modes, including suppression mode, is someone’s individual program. And, since a human is a bio-robot with an already built-in program—he is unable to function like a representative of another subtype functions. It is the same as if a horse would want to fly like a bird or swim like a fish. Besides, it is very harmful.

Thus, when a person learns his/her suppression mode first, he/she not only recognizes himself/herself in it, but what is also important—finds out how it is possible to make him/her become absolutely disoriented, controllable, make submit to someone, seduce, etc. Moreover, he/she learns this in detail. From a decryption of the suppressing mode a person finds out which people he/she obeys and with which people he/she falls in love. Of course, this will allow him/her to stop being manipulating from the outside.

After learning his/her suppressing mode, it is suggested that a person then learns his/her Individual natural program. (It is advised to do this by purchasing two materials at the same time: a decryption of the Individual (Subtype) Human Program and Images of Individual (Subtype) Program from Shan Hai Jing.) With this decryption and images a person gets information about what he/she is like; and, not in his/her fantasies or dreams about himself/herself, but in reality.

This information is perceived by a person more easily because if a person finds out his natural Individual (Subtype) Program without having knowledge of his Suppressing Manipulation Mode—he/she experiences unconscious rejection of this information, as he/she considers himself/herself a completely different person (namely, a personality from his/her suppressing mode).

Ideally, after a person receives decryptions and images of his Suppressing Manipulation Mode and Individual (Subtype) Program, it is advised to order a decryption and images of his/her stimulating mode (namely, Stimulating Manipulation Mode and Images of Stimulating Manipulation Mode). Since this mode makes a person enter what is called а “negative” state and irritates him/her so much, literally drives up the wall that not having knowledge of this mode can have a very bad impact on health (psychical and physical).

Finally, it is recommended that a person orders information about his balaning mode—meaning, a decryption of this mode and images (Balancing Manipulation Mode and Images of Balancing Manipulation Mode) from Shan Hai Jing.

Why is this course of action recommended? As over 20 years of practice of providing information from the Catalog of Human Population to people has shown—this is the optimal way for perception by a client, as well as for practical use.

With reception of a description of his/her suppressing mode a person gets a huge “dose” of pleasure (although at the same time, he/she often gets a little upset due to realization of how easily he/she can be manipulated; and usually he/she already came across this many times in life). Then, there are а description (decryption) and images of the natural individual program, and a person learns what he is like—real, without embellishments and fantasies about himself/herself. Next is information about the stimulating mode, which encourages and causes indignation at the same time.

As a result, with finding out information about himself/herself from the Catalog of Human Population every person gets a variety of sensations. And, once a person gets a description and/or images of his/her balance mode, he/she receives not only information about which qualities of personality he/she seeks, but also a purely emotional sensation of comfort, calmness and harmony.

In addition, this “informational-emotional massage” always makes a very positive impact on the entire psychophysiology of a client. (And, after getting all information about himself/herself, he/she will be able to do such “massage” absolutely independently whenever and as much as he/she wants; he/she will no longer have to search for sensations anywhere or with anyone.)

However, we do not insist on the implementation of specifically this scheme of reception of information about a person from the Catalog of Human Population. Every person has the right to decide in which order and what materials to purchase.

* If a particular decryption is not available from the Laboratory, which is involved in decryption of Shan Hai Jing (which is the Catalog of Human Population, and from which any information about people comes from), then it is recommend to inquire whether an Express Analysis is available or to purchase images, by which a program or a manipulation mode of a person of interest is recorded.