Presented demo is a very short description of women born on February 1st of common years from the Catalog of Human Population. An example of a complete description is available here. Pricing is available here.

“A woman born on February 1st of a common year is double-sided like a winter jacket: on the outside it looks like leather, but on the inside there is fur. On the inside, she is not at all like she wants to present herself. Everything that she shows, demonstrates, declares is a façade, a cover that hides the shadow side of her personality. This woman will not reveal, or even more so put on display this inner side, and in general by nature she is secretive. The “for show” side, “the cover,” the external side is as follows: she is the bearer of the foundations of ethics. Since ethics is the doctrine of morality and ethics, these are the values ​​that this person declares. To her, ethics is a kind of a measuring system of good and evil. This woman speaks a lot and with pleasure about the need to comply with ethical and moral standards, about the sense of duty, justice, decency as the basis of human relationships. And, she also tries to instill these values into those ​​around her and considers this her duty.

Having a self-sentiment of the only standard against which good and bad are measured, first she categorizes and then puts on labels. For example, she can reason like this: this person behaves like an immoral freak, and that person acts and lives like a truly decent citizen; this one did not act fairly, but that one clearly distinguished herself by her spiritual qualities; etc. Of course, her categories are formed based on her personal considerations of what is ethical and what is not, what is true, what is false. She thinks that without classification as a way of ordering the world, there can be no sequence, no consistency, and no order, which she seeks. Therefore, people or events, which for any reason, due to their personality traits and behavior do not fit in her cramped Procrustean bed, cause a negative reaction in her, as well as a desire to bring everything and everyone to a common standard. She controls, tracks everything that goes beyond the standard. To her, the only criterion of correctness and even legitimacy of the existence of something (an event, a phenomenon, a person) is her own opinion about how it should be. A woman born on February 1st of a common year judges everything based on purely subjective ideas about life, good and evil. She presents herself as a standard of human dignity, qualities, manifestations, and behavior. She considers herself unsurpassed, exceptional, exclusive, unique, incomparable with anything or anyone, unprecedented, unparalleled. She regards herself as a kind of an etalon that can be as if applied to another person, and, after comparing the correspondence, “the unnecessary” can be removed, or something can be added. In this regard, this person’s circle of acquaintances is peculiar: all the people, whom she puts under the category of “her own kind” or from her circle, share her worldview, are guided by the same opinions, etc. She communicates and maintains relationships only with those people, to whom like Mowgli she can say the following: “You and I are of the same blood — you and me.” This woman categorically rejects people of a different kind, type, social stratum, class and primarily people with a different worldview. At the same time, caste, professional affiliation and other classifications of society, as well as the continuity of generations are all welcomed.

A woman born on February 1st of a common year clearly assesses life, trying to consider all the available prospects of development of events, and seeks to ensure that all fronts are covered and secure. And, this applies to everything…”