Philip Benoit

Philip Benoit You asked about my reaction to the book [HACK ANYONE’S SOUL: 100 Demos Of Human Programs From The Catalog Of Human Population] and the idea of the Catalog of Human Souls. First, I am impressed that the book so clearly conveys what is a complicated concept that most people are totally unfamiliar with. Your descriptions of the history of  Shan Hai Jing and the Catalog and its discovery and application in modern times are especially effective because of the examples you included to explain complicated ideas. The idea of using demos to show how the principles of the Catalog apply to real people is a creative idea that makes a lot of things clear that otherwise might not be easily understood. I was also impressed by the story of how the Catalog was decrypted and interpreted. It is interesting that the Russian government was interested in obtaining the research information that Mr. Davydov collected and that he and Ms. Skorbatyuk were granted political asylum in the United States. This is truly a fascinating story about an interesting subject. As translator of the book, you deserve praise for making all this available to English speakers.