-Why is information about the Catalog of Human Population available only on the Internet? You must agree that it is difficult to take seriously something about which information is available only there.
The Catalog of Human Population was presented and is being presented not only on the Internet. Any interested person can familiarize himself/herself with, for example, presentations made by the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of Human Population Andrey Davydov, which were published in collections of abstracts, for example, of the First Russian Philosophical Congress. Scientific congress is not Internet. And, this was not the only presentation done by Andrey Davydov about the Catalog at scientific conferences, table discussions, etc.
In addition to scientific conferences, there were presentations about the Catalog of Human Population on Russian television, and in 2005 a series of popular science paper books titled Manipulation Games For Women—Instruction For Exploitation Of Men (by Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk) were published.
You can find a list of presentations and publications (on the Internet and not on the Internet) in the Publications section on our website.
-I’m in close contact with the scientific community, and, according to information that I found on the Internet about the Catalog, I get the impression that this is one of the branches of esotericism…
And, on what basis can the Catalog of Human Population be attributed to esotericism? After all, in order to categorize something, probably it is necessary to study the question at least minimally: the subject matter itself and the history of this phenomenon.
In the Publications section of our website, there are references, for example, to presentations by Andrey Davydov (the author of the discovery of the Catalog of Human Population) at academic conferences. According to the rules, each presentation of this kind gets included in a book of abstracts of this conference, which always gets published as a book. In the Publications section one can find a link to this collection, which is held at the library of one of Russian universities, as well as at libraries of universities of other countries. In it one can find abstracts of presentation made by Andrey Davydov. His presentation was titled Is Shan Hai Jing—The Original Catalog Of Psychophysiological Human Structure?" (Publications section also includes scans of this collection).
It is unlikely that people not familiar with the scientific environment know this, but if you state that you are well familiar with the scientific environment, then you must be aware of that non-members of scientific communities, or presenters with a subject from the category of "esotericism" are not allowed to speak at any scientific events. We do not know how it is in your country, but this is so in Russian scientific institutions. Or, is a publication by the publishing house of Saint Petersburg State University, which is available at electronic libraries from the category .edu in different countries not an indication of that this is scientific research?
And, as for categorizations—research of Shan Hai Jing is more appropriate for the category of Scientific Approach To Esotericism.
-I’m a journalist and I want to write an article about the Catalog, which will be published in the … magazine. However, in order to write it, I would like to be able to interview developers of the Catalog of Human Population and get some free materials.
No one is refusing to give an interview. For this purpose there exist and are successfully being used such systems as Skype, Zoom, etc. You can contact us here.
As for free materials from the Catalog of Human Population for journalists, they have already been presented at https://www.humanpopulationacademy.org/human-programs-demo/.
-Why are developers of the Catalog of Human Population and their colleagues opposed to cooperation with scientific and other public organizations?
First of all, on what grounds was the assumption made that developers of the Catalog of Human Population and their colleagues did not cooperate or do not cooperate with various public organizations? There is no mystery here. For example, information available here openly provides data about some public organizations, such as Russian universities and scientific research organizations, political organizations, law enforcement agencies and security services of Russian Federation. (Of course, this is not a complete list since the vast majority of organizations, which work closely with developers of the Catalog and their colleagues prefer not to advertise this.)
Secondly, why do you think that the staff of the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls and the Human Population Academy are not open to new contacts? No one objected to this. Objected, object (and will object) only to that some try to fool us for over 20 years already—representatives of the academic environment, security services, politicians, businessmen. This refers to proposals to provide them information from the Catalog of Human Population for free. Moreover, academic institutions, and even more so security services either have a sufficient budget or unlimited budget, and are capable of paying money for these materials, while all this time developers of the Catalog and their colleagues carry out their research exclusively at their own expense.